As a parent, particularly a new parent, you probably find yourself completely stumped when it comes to behavior problems. What on earth do you do in a modern world, to get your kids to behave the way you'd like them to? You know that everyone around you is super-critical of how you are handling their behavior and are afraid to come across as too much of a pushover, or too strict.
The good news is that there are online parenting classes that can help guide you through the most successful and current techniques in child rearing. Online classes are for parents who are interested in learning more about raising happy, socially healthy children in a relaxed, self-paced atmosphere. Courses are taken on your computer at any time of the day or night. For the best results, check that you choose a quality course led by a licensed and currently practicing therapist.
The following are some quick tips to get you thinking:
1) Lead by Example
The best way to teach kids to behave the way you'd like them to is to behave the way you would like them to. The old saying 'do what I say, not what I do' does not apply to kids. If you're behaving badly, they will too. Try to remember that your kids will always emulate you - so if you use foul language, yell or behave badly, you'll be teaching them that behavior is acceptable.
2) Reward Good Behavior
There's a fine line between bribing or spoiling kids, and rewarding positive behavior, but it's worth finding the balance. If you make sure that your kids know they'll be praised for good behavior, they're more likely to continue with the behavior you want. Try to keep the rewards you give your child for good behavior to non-material types - a hug, a trip to a playground or for ice cream is fine. You're not buying good behavior - you're reinforcing it.
3) Ignore Bad Behavior
Often, bad behavior from kids is all about attention seeking - and even if they get negative feedback, it's feedback. By ignoring bad behavior, your child is not getting their payoff for their bad behavior, and if it's not having the desired result, there's no reason to continue. Remember that even negative attention is attention, and if your child is getting the attention they want from bad behavior, there's no reason for them to behave well.
4) Time Outs
Time outs are a popular behavior correction method because they work. Just a few minutes on the 'naughty chair', or in a quiet corner of your home can be enough to get your child thinking straight again. Often, children become overly emotional when they're acting out, and the few minutes of quiet time helps them to organize their thoughts and get those emotions back under control.
5) Structure, Structure, Structure
Children do best when their lives are based on some sort of structure. Waking up at the same time every day, eating meals at regular hours, going to school or daycare at the same time every day and having other predictable routines are important. If your kids aren't already in a routine, then it's time to start implementing one.
Most importantly, remain calm, even when your child is not, and try to remember that every parent has asked the same questions you are asking. Online courses can also get you in touch with a support network of other parents across the country that are dealing with the exact same situations you are. You do not have to feel alone on this journey.