In the past, most mothers stayed at home while they were raising their children. As a result, their main focus was geared toward getting the children to school and taking care of their needs when they returned. When the children experienced problems in school or in their home, most mothers could respond appropriately because they had the time to address most problems that occurred.
Today, many mothers work outside the home which means they have additional responsibilities added to their day. These responsibilities placed on top of regular motherly duties can be very stressful for most. In these situations, the mother may be emotionally stretched to the limit. She will be most successful at parenting if she has a high (EQ) or Emotional Intelligence level.
What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence can be described as the ability to use, identify, understand and manage the person's own emotions. The management of these emotions, however, must be done in a positive and constructive way. When the person's emotional intelligence is high, they can handle many challenges throughout their day. They are able to diffuse conflicts effectively, empathize with other people and keep the lines of communication open.
How does emotional awareness affect parenting skills?
Emotional intelligence affects your parenting skills in many ways. If you have a strong emotional intelligence than you are able to manage your stress levels and emotions in a healthy manner. This translates into a home life for your children that is more stable and free from emotional, anxiety-ridden and angry behavior.
Emotionally Intelligent parenting involves being able to validate, empathize, sooth, listen and teach children by modeling appropriate behavior. An emotionally intelligent parent is able to ensure everyone in the home gets what they need emotionally as well as managing their own world. They model the behavior they are seeking in their children.
An example of using these skills is when talking to your children about something, acknowledge their feelings. “I can see that you are frustrated about trying to zip up your jacket. I can remember how hard it was for me to learn when I was little. It’s tricky, but if you make sure the bottom of your jacket is aligned, it will be a lot easier for you to pull the zipper up!” Talk with your children in a positive manner, and this will teach them confidence and the ability to identify with feelings. Don’t yell at your children as this will teach them that yelling is the only way to get a point across.
Children who are raised in a household with emotionally intelligent parents are taught the ability to persist in difficult situations, to empathize with other’s feelings, to get along with others, and how to identify and deal with their own feelings in a positive manner. These children generally go on to be successful, social human beings. To learn more about techniques and skills to raise your children, try taking an online parenting class at They are low-cost, convenient and full of the most current information on the best ways to raise your children today.
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