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The holiday season is here and if you are getting ready to travel with young ones, it can be a challenge. The change in routine, delayed flights, late nights, visiting homes that aren’t kid friendly, and attending all the functions where there’s too much junk food will all directly effect your child’s behavior. To help you actually enjoy the season, here are some tips that have proven helpful:

1. Keep expectations reasonable.

Everyone tends to have high expectations during this time of year and want the holidays to be perfect for the entire family. However, keep in mind that it is likely that everything won’t go as planned. Try not to get frustrated when the rental car needs a tire changed, you are late for grandma’s, or your child falls asleep and misses the family picture. Just do your best, try to stay organized and take a breath, it will all be okay.

2. Don’t overschedule.

Remember that especially if you’ve traveled to a different time zone, the kids are going to be tired. Don’t try to book a lot of visits all in one day. Leave time for the kids to nap, rest or just play quietly so they can decompress.

3. Try To Maintain Some Routine.

While it’s hard when you are at someone else’s house, try to keep a schedule similar to the one you have at home. Try to bring favorite blankies, cups and toys so they have familiar items. Do your best to maintain mealtimes, bedtimes and rules that you have at home, so the kids know what to expect.

4. Bring your own snacks.

If you have a child that is a picky eater and you face the risk of embarrassment and stress because they won’t eat anything the host is providing, come prepared! If you are away from home, stop at a local supermarket and pickup healthy snack foods that your child will eat and bring them with you.

5. Bring your own activities.

Some households that you visit during the holidays may not have any children living in them anymore. To avoid temper tantrums, boredom, meltdowns or generally rude behavior, bring a bag filled with items like an Ipad, DS, books, art materials or dolls. When they get tired of listening to the grown-ups talk, the child can choose what he’d like to do until you are ready to leave.

When you finally get back from your travels, unwind, unpack and are ready to take on the New Year with some new parenting advice, enroll in an online parenting class! Parenting classes provide caregivers with the most current techniques and tips to successful parenting. After spending 24/7 with your kids for 2 weeks, you might start to wonder if you’re actually being strict enough, or maybe too strict? Are you setting appropriate boundaries and limits for their stage of development? Are you speaking and listening as effectively as you could with them? provides the answers to these questions from the convenience of any Internet based computer in your own home. Simply sign up for a 4, 6 or 10 hour online course and you will be on the way to improving family life in 2013!

Tags: parenting tips
parenting courses