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Parents who will be going through a divorce in 2013 can start the year off right by taking an online co-parenting class. This is often a sad, stressful and confusing time for everyone involved. Although you might feel that you are a seasoned parent and are confident with the way you have raised your kids to date, parents must realize that going through a separation and the new life that will ensue will necessitate learning new skills. Parents are the most important role models in their children’s lives and the way they choose to handle this separation will set the tone of how the children will react.

Judges across the country also realize that parents need to learn specific techniques for parenting during divorce. Most parents will be court ordered to take a class as part of the separation process. Online parenting classes are available from any web-based computer in the U.S. to provide the education to fulfill this requirement. First check with your judge to make sure he will accept a distance-learning class. If so, it is simple to go online and enroll in a high quality course designed by a licensed and practicing family therapist. Classes are low in cost and will also save you money in gas, parking and babysitters because they can be taken from your own home! Taking a program online enables both parents to learn the same information from any web-based computer device like an IPad, PC or laptop. Nothing needs to be printed out or downloaded so you don’t need to be sitting at a desk or in an office environment. Classes are available on the computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can take them whenever you have some free time in your busy schedule.

Online co-parenting classes teach clients how to cooperatively share parental responsibilities from two households. This will give your children the continued stability, calm and consistency they desperately need during this difficult time. Many children feel like their parent’s divorce is somehow their fault. It is important that the kids understand that they are your priority and have nothing to do with the breakdown in the marriage. Treating each other with respect, and effectively listening to your ex-spouse (even if you don’t agree with them) will show your kids that you are doing your best to work together.

Take special care to enhance your relationship with your kids at this time. Focus on praising them so they feel important and valued, reward them for trying hard to help their self-esteem and give them lots of hugs and warmth so they know they are loved. As a team, be sure to provide the same set of routines and structure at each home so they know what to expect. Set clear boundaries and consequences that are consistent in each home so they can’t get away with something in one house and not in the other.

Court mandated parenting classes are an important tool for both parents to utilize. Testimonies from clients across the country agree that while they may have gone into the program with reservation, the outcome was positive. They are helpful, easy to use, convenient, interesting and full of new parenting tips. Take an online parenting class today to start 2013 off on the right foot!

Tags: court ordered co-parenting classes online
divorce classes online