Has your child been acting up lately? Are you concerned that her behavior has taken a turn for the worse? Do you feel like you need some sound advice on how to react to and redirect this behavior? These feelings are widely felt by parents everywhere. The first thing to evaluate is your relationship with the child. The question to ask yourself, is have you been showing the child enough attention and love prior to this new behavior developing. Every child needs a few essential things to grow up strong, healthy, and happy. It is crucial that a child not only receive nutritious food and visits to the doctor, but that they are feeling loved. A child that grows up in this environment will be secure and able to adapt to the normal transitions and situations in everyday life. However, often times a parent feels like they are giving as much positive attention and warmth to a child as possible, and the child still starts behaving badly. It is most likely a phase. The following are a quick list of tips to put in place when this behavior arises:
1) Take a look at the bad behavior
Time to do a little detective work. Start off with exactly when your child started behaving badly. Did something happen? Was there any kind of change that happened in the house? There was a reason your child started to behave in a way that is not normal, and as a parent it is up to you to find out the trigger was.
2) Try using a chart
Many parents find the use of a reward system to encourage their child to not only do chores, but to behave properly provides relief. If your child does not seem enthusiastic about this chart, try changing it up a bit and come up with rewards that will really get your child's interest like a toy they want or a place they want to go.
3) Not everything has to be a huge deal
Sometimes parents can be sticklers and fight with their kids about every little thing. Stop and take a moment to think about this. Do you really want to be constantly at war with your child? You have to draw the line somewhere, and if you are constantly arguing with your child, this really has a negative effect. Pick and choose your battles and let some things slide so your energy is focused on the really big behavioral issues that need to be worked out.
4) Use the time out method
Time out is a pretty effective way to curb bad behavior, especially in younger children. Choose a nice quiet secluded spot and place a chair there. Whenever your child is misbehaving, just sit them in the time out chair. If your child is doing something they enjoy, then having to stop and go into a time out can really be an effective way to get the message across that their behavior is unacceptable. For older kids, the bedroom with no access to electronics can be used instead.
5) Be consistent
Any time you say something to your child regarding discipline, it is imperative that you follow through with it. If you say you are going to take something away or put the child in time out if they keep their behavior up, then you need to follow through with it or your child know it’s an idle threat that they don’t have to worry about.
Children need a lot more than a roof over their heads in order to grow up happy, healthy, confident and well-balanced. They need boundaries to learn what acceptable behavior entails. For more parenting advice, take a parenting class online. They are low in cost, easily accessible from most web-based devices and will give you a wealth of knowledge to help in raising your children.
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